Getting started with Dancer is easy - we hope you'll be surprised how simple, fun and flexible building a website in Perl with Dancer can be. Even if you're a newcomer to Perl, you should find the simple things easy, and hard things possible.
For easy and automatic installation of Dancer, we recommend using cpanminus:
curl -L | perl - --sudo Dancer2
Of course, you can use any other CPAN client to do so, or even install it manually.
A Dancer application can be as simple as a one-liner, but you may want to start with a complete structure for more complex applications. To help you do so, dancer is shipped with a helper that can scaffold a new skeleton for you.
$ dancer2 gen -a MyWeb::App + MyWeb-App + MyWeb-App/config.yml + MyWeb-App/cpanfile + MyWeb-App/Makefile.PL + MyWeb-App/MANIFEST.SKIP + MyWeb-App/bin + MyWeb-App/bin/ + MyWeb-App/bin/app.psgi + MyWeb-App/environments + MyWeb-App/environments/development.yml + MyWeb-App/environments/production.yml + MyWeb-App/lib/MyWeb + MyWeb-App/lib/MyWeb/ + MyWeb-App/public + MyWeb-App/public/dispatch.cgi + MyWeb-App/public/dispatch.fcgi + MyWeb-App/public/404.html + MyWeb-App/public/500.html + MyWeb-App/public/favicon.ico + MyWeb-App/public/css + MyWeb-App/public/css/error.css + MyWeb-App/public/css/style.css + MyWeb-App/public/images + MyWeb-App/public/images/perldancer-bg.jpg + MyWeb-App/public/images/perldancer.jpg + MyWeb-App/public/javascripts + MyWeb-App/public/javascripts/jquery.js + MyWeb-App/t + MyWeb-App/t/001_base.t + MyWeb-App/t/002_index_route.t + MyWeb-App/views + MyWeb-App/views/ + MyWeb-App/views/layouts + MyWeb-App/views/layouts/
Everything is ready and works out of the box (with a nice design, jQuery and environment-related configurations).
$ cd MyWeb-App $ plackup -r bin/app.psgi >> Dancer server 16622 listening on == Entering the development dance floor ...
Note that a Dancer startup script is also a PSGI application.
Resources to learn more:
If you're looking to learn to use Perl, we hope that the simplicity and ease of getting started with Dancer will be very helpful to you; however, you'll probably also want to find some decent tutorials and resources to learn about Perl itself. Do be wary of some of the results which Google will turn up - there's some very outdated and inadvisable tutorials out there.
The following is a short, non-exhaustive list of resources which are likely to be of use to Perl beginners: